List of Photo Mechanic Variables

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Camera or Image-Specific

actuations, act

Number of shutter actuations for the camera.

aperture, f

Aperture setting of photo. (from the EXIF data)

artistTIFF Artist field written by some cameras

aspect, aspt

Aspect Ratio of photo

aspectcrop, aspc

Aspect Ratio of cropped photo

avApeture value in APEX units

brightness, brit, bv

Brightness of photo in APEX units. This is exposure value minus ‘film’ sensitivity value

bytes, byte

The uncompressed image size of the photo

colormode, cmod

The color mode set in the camera

colorclass, color, colr

Name of color class for photo

colorclasscolor, clrc

HTML color value of color class for photo

colorclassval, colorval, clrv

Numeric value of color class for photo

comment, cmnt

The comment (written by some cameras)


Exposure compensation set by camera

corrupt, crpt

Number of invalid extra bytes in a JPEG

cropheight, yc

Height of a crop

cropwidth, xc

Width of a crop

descriptionTIFF Image Description


Exposure value in APEX units. This is a combination of aperture and shutter speed (or ISO and scene brightness)


Exposure value in APEX units, relative to ISO 100. E.g. at ISO 200, this would be {ev} - 1

filename, file

Filename of photo with the extension

filenamebase, fbas

Filename of photo without the extension

filesize, size

File size of the photo

firmware, firm

Firmware version of camera that took photo

flash, flsh

Flash used

flashcomp, fcmp

Flash exposure compensation

focallengthFocal length of lens in mm. This isn't a 35mm equivalent for non-SLR cameras

focusmode, focus, fmod

Focus mode of camera

folder, fldr

The folder name for a photo (e.g. the current contact sheet)

foldernum, fldn

The folder number for a photo (e.g. first three digits of DCIM folder)

folderpath, fpth

The full folder path for a photo (e.g. the current contact sheet)

frame, fnum

Frame number of photo

frame4, fnm4

Frame number of photo, last 4 digits

gpsEither 1 or 0 - if a photo has both GPS latitude and longitude

hascrop, hc

Value will be 'True' if there is a crop set for this image

height, h, y

Height of image in pixels (prior to any rotation drawn by Photo Mechanic)


Either owner (Canon) or comment (Nikon)


ISO (ASA) setting of photo

isoxNikon ISO expansion setting
kelvin, ktmpKelvin color temperature for Nikon AWB
label, lablIPTC label for photo


Focal length of lens in mm. This isn’t a 35mm equivalent for non-SLR cameras

lens35, 35mm

Equivalent 35mm focal length of lens in mm (Not all cameras record this value)

lenstype, lt

Type of lens used

lenstypenum, ltnm

Variable to report the lens number for certain Canon and Sigma lenses. (This can be used to create a code replacement for translating a lens ID into a more descriptive string)

lightsource, lsrc

Light source


Returns 1 if the file is locked on the memory card, and 0 if no lock is found


Make of camera that took photo

maxdim, maxdMaximum width or height of image in pixels

mediatype, mtyp

Media type (e.g. still, video)

meteringmode, mmod

Metering mode set in camera

model, modl

Model of camera that took photo.

numstars, num*Star rating of a photo as a number (0-5)

owner, ownr

Camera’s owner (if defined; same as user)

parentfolderpath, pfpt

The full folder path to the parent folder of the folder of the photo (i.e. 2 levels up)


The full path name of the photo

pixels, pxls

Total number of pixels (width * height) for photo, displayed as an exponential multiplier (ex. 4.1M)

prefix, prfx

First three characters of file name, excluding any leading ‘_’ character from AdobeRGB photos

printsize, psiz

Print size in inches or cms (depends on photo)

printsizecms, pscm

Print size in cms

printsizeinches, psin

Print size in inches

program, mode, prgm

Camera’s program mode for photo

quality, qlty

Compression quality for camera JPEGs

rating, stars, rate

Star rating of photo

resolutionResolution in pixels per inch or cm (depends on photo)

resolutioncms, rscm

Resolution is pixels per cm

resolutioninches, rsin

Resolution in pixels per inch

rotation, rot

Rotation drawn by Photo Mechanic

serialnum, serial, snum

Serial number of camera that took photo

sharpness, shrp

>Sharpness setting in camera for JPEG and TIFF files

shutter, ss

Shutter speed setting of photo, from EXIF data

software, soft

Software that produced the photo

sound, snd

Sound file (voice/audio memo) attached (This evaluates to 1 if file has an associated sound file and 0 if not) 

sv"Film" sensitivity (ISO) in APEX units
tagTagged state of images (evaluates to 1 if the image is tagged, and 0 if it is not)
tiffcopyright, tifcTIFF copyright field written by some cameras

tonecomp, tone

Tone compensation (contrast) of photo

tvShutter speed (time value) in APEX units


Image type (e.g. JPEG)

uniqueid, uniq

Unique 32 char ID written by some cameras


Camera’s user (if defined; same as owner)

width, w, x

Width of image in pixels (prior to any rotation drawn by Photo Mechanic)

whitebalance, white, baln

White balance of photo as set by camera or host software

whitemode, whim

White balance mode (AUTO or MANUAL)

APEX Values

    Some cameras record APEX exposure values for each photo. In cases where the APEX values for av and tv are not recorded, Photo Mechanic will calculate them from existing camera settings for exposure time and f-number if possible.

    If a camera writes the {tv} and {av} and {bv} values (Exif 0x9201, 0x9202, 0x9203) then they will be displayed directly. If a camera only writes the older Exif tags for Exposure Time and F Number, then Photo Mechanic will compute the {tv}, {av}, and {bv} APEX values from the camera settings.

The {sv} APEX value will always be computed based on ISO. (Ev = Av + Tv = Bv + Sv)

avAPEX aperture value
bvAPEX brightness value
evExposure value in APEX units. This is a combination of aperture and shutter speed (or ISO and scene brightness)
ev100Exposure value in APEX units, relative to ISO 100. E.g. at ISO 200, this would be {ev} - 1
svAPEX ISO speed value (a.k.a. sensitivity value)
tvAPEX time value

Standard IPTC Fields

alttext, altAlt Text accessibility information
alttextalt, altaReturns contexts of the Alt Text field if that exists, or returns the contents of the Headline field if no Alt Text is available
byline, nameIPTC Byline (Photographer) field
caption, captIPTC Caption field
captionwriter, cwrtIPTC Caption Writer field
category, catIPTC Category field
cityIPTC City field
citytaken, cttkIPTC City where the image was taken from field
contactaddress, ciadContact Info Address
contactcity, cicyContact Info City
contactstate, cistContact Info State
contactzip, cizpContact Info ZIP Code
contactcountry, cicnContact Info Country
contactemail, ciemContact Info Email
contactphone, ciphContact Info Phone
contactweb, ciwbContact Info Web URL
copyright, copyIPTC Copyright field
copyrighturl, curlIPTC URL field
country, cntyIPTC Country field
countrytaken, cntkIPTC Country taken
countrycode, ccodIPTC Country Code field
countrycodetaken, cctkIPTC Country Code taken
credit, credIPTC Credit field
editstatus, editIPTC Edit Status field
event, evntIPTC Event field
extendeddesc, extdIPTC Extended Description accessibility field
genre, geneIPTC Intellectual Genre field
headline, headIPTC Headline field
identity, idnCreator's Identity
instructions, instIPTC Special Instructions field
imagesupplierid, isidIPTC Image Supplier ID field
imagesupplierimageid, isiiIPTC Image Supplier's Image ID field
imagesuppliername, isnmIPTC Image Supplier Name field
iptcampm, iapIPTC day half (AM or PM)
iptcdate, idatIPTC Date field (YYYYMMDD)
iptcday, idayIPTC day (1, 2, 3 .. 31)
iptcday0, idy0IPTC day zero padded (01, 02, 03 .. 31)
iptcdow, idowIPTC day of week (Sunday, Monday, etc)
iptcdow3, idw3IPTC day of week abbreviated (Sun, Mon, etc)
iptchour, ihrIPTC 12 hour format (1, 2, 3 .. 12)
iptchour0, ihr0IPTC 12 hour format zero padded (01, 02, 03 .. 12)
iptchour24, ih24IPTC 24 hour format zero padded (01, 02, 03 .. 23)
iptcminute, iminIPTC minute (00 .. 59)
iptcmonth, imnIPTC month (1, 2, 3 .. 12)
iptcmonth0, imn0IPTC month zero padded (01, 02, 03 .. 12)
iptcmonthname, imnnIPTC month name ( January, February, etc)
iptcmonthname3IPTC month name abbreviated ( Jan, Feb, etc)
iptcmonthnameapIPTC month name abbreviated for AP ( Jan., Feb., etc)
iptcsecond, isecIPTC second (00 .. 59)
iptctime, itimIPTC Time field (HHMMSS+0800)
iptcyear2, iyr2IPTC year (2 digits)
iptcyear4, iyr4IPTC year (4 digits)
keywords, keywIPTC Keywords field
location, locIPTC Sublocation field
locationtaken, lctkIPTC sublocation taken field
locationidtaken, litkIPTC Location ID Taken field
miningIPTC/PLUS Data Mining field
modelages, modaIPTC Model Ages field
modelinfo, modiIPTC Additional Model Info field
modelreleaseid, mridIPTC Model Release ID field
object, objtIPTC Object name field
persons, prsnIPTC Persons in image field
photog, phtgIPTC Byline field
province, provIPTC State / Province field
scene, scenIPTC Scene field
slugIPTC Object name field
source, srceIPTC Source field
sourcetype, srctDigital source type
state, statIPTC State / Province field
statetaken, sttkIPTC State where the image was taken from field
subject, subjIPTC Subject field
suppcat1, sup1IPTC Supplemental category field 1
suppcat2, sup2IPTC Supplemental category field 2
suppcat3, sup3IPTC Supplemental category field 3
title, titlIPTC Creator's Job Title field
transref, trefIPTC Transmission Reference field
urgency, urgcIPTC Urgency field
usage, usagIPTC Rights Usage field
worldregiontaken, wrtkWorld region taken

Time and Date Variables

ampmCapture day half (AM or PM)
date, shotCapture date of photo according to camera or file creation time. The format is the same as the Date & Time control panel’s ‘short date’ setting
datemil, datmCapture date of photo according to camera or file creation time in military format (ddMONyy
datesort, datsCapture date of photo according to camera or file creation time. This can be used for sorting since the format is always YYYYMMDD
datesortdash, dtsdCapture date of photo according to camera or file creation time. This can be used for sorting since the format is always YYYY-MM-DD
dayCapture day of photo according to camera or file creation time (1, 2, 3 .. 31)
day0Capture day zero padded of photo according to camera or file creation time (01, 02, 03 .. 31)
dowCapture day of week of photo according to camera or file creation time (Sunday, Monday, etc)
dow3Capture day of week (abbreviated) of photo according to camera or file creation time (Sun, Mon, etc)
hourCapture 12 hour format (1, 2, 3 .. 12)
hour0, hr0Capture 12 hour format zero padded (01, 02, 03 .. 12)
hour24, h24Capture 24 hour format zero padded (01, 02, 03 .. 23)
minute, minCapture minute (00 .. 59)
moddate, mdatModification date
modtime, mtimModification time
moddatesort, mdtsModification date for sorting (YYYYMMDD)
modtimesort, mtmsModification time for sorting (HHMMSS)
month, mnCapture month according to camera or file creation time (1, 2, 3 .. 12)
month0, mn0Capture month zero padded according to camera or file creation time (01, 02, 03 .. 12
monthname, mnnCapture month name ( January, February, etc)
monthname3, mnn3Capture month name abbreviated ( Jan, Feb, etc)
monthnameap, mnapCapture month name abbreviated for AP (Jan., Feb., etc)
nowCurrent time. See the Date & Time control panel for formatting
nowampm, napCurrent day half (AM or PM)
nowhour, nhrCurrent 12 hour format (1, 2, 3 .. 12)
nowhour0, nhr0Current 12 hour format zero padded (01, 02, 03 .. 12)
nowhour24, nh24Current 24 hour format zero padded (01, 02, 03 .. 23)
nowminute, nminCurrent minute (00 .. 59)
nowsecond, nsecCurrent second (00 .. 59)
nowsort, nowsCurrent time. This can be used for sorting since the format is always HHMMSS in 24-hour format
nowsortlong, nwslCurrent time including 1/100 of a second. This can be used for sorting since the format is always HHMMSSss in 24-hour format
nowsubsecond, nsubCurrent subsecond (00 .. 99)
second, secCapture second (00 .. 59)
subsecond, ssecCapture sub-second (for cameras that support this)
timeCapture time of photo according to camera or file creation time
timesort, timsCapture time of photo according to camera
timesortdash, tmsdCapture time of photo according to camera or file creation time. This can be used for sorting since the format is always HH-MM-SS
timesortlong, tmslCapture time of photo according to camera (long format)
today, tdayCurrent date. The format is the same as the Date & Time control panel’s ‘short date’ setting
todayday, tdyCurrent day (1, 2, 3 .. 31)
todayday0, tdy0Current day zero padded (01, 02, 03 .. 31)
todaydow, tdowCurrent day of week (Sunday, Monday, etc)
todaydow3, tdw3Current day of week abbreviated (Sun, Mon, etc)
todaymil, tdymCurrent date in military format (ddMONyy)
todaymonth, tmnCurrent month (1, 2, 3 .. 12)
todaymonth0, tmn0Current zero padded month (01, 02, 03 .. 12)
todaymonthname, tmnnCurrent month name ( January, February, etc)
todaymonthname3, tmn3Current month name abbreviated ( Jan, Feb, etc)
todaymonthnameap, tmapCurrent month name abbreviated for AP (Jan., Feb., etc)
todaysort, tdysCurrent date. This can be used for sorting since the format is always YYYYMMD
todayyear2, tyr2Current two digit year (e.g. 97, 04)
todayyear4, tyr4Current four digit year (e.g 1997, 2004)
tomorrow, tmrwTomorrow’s date. The format is the same as the Date & Time control panel’s ‘short date’ setting
wiredate, wdatEvaluates to {iptcdow}, {iptcmonthnameap} {iptcday}, {iptcyear4}
year2, yr2Capture year (2 digits) according to camera or file creation time
year4, yr4Capture year (4 digits) according to camera or file creation time
yesterday, ystdYesterday’s date. The format is the same as the Date &Time control panel’s ‘short date’ setting

ICC Profile Variables

gamma, gama

The gamma of the photo


The name of the ICC profile for a photo


The red x coordinate of the primaries


The red y coordinate of the primaries


The green x coordinate of the primaries


The green y coordinate of the primaries


The blue x coordinate of the primaries


The blue y coordinate of the primaries


The x coordinate of the white point


The y coordinate of the white point

Special Variables

index, indx

Index of the photo being processed

ingestseq, iseq

Current value of ingest sequence number. This is incremented for each disk being ingested


Inserts a new-line (CR) character


Current page number during printing or exporting of HTML


Total number of pages during printing or exporting of HTML

A 3-digit random number from 000 to 999.
A 4-digit random number from 0000 to 9999.


A random number from 01 to 10


A random number from 001 to 100


A random number from 0001 to 1000

sequence, seqn, auto

Current value of sequence variable. This will automatically be incremented for the next photo


Inserts a tab character

total, totl

Total number of photos being processed

GPS Variables

altitude, galt

GPS altitude in meters

bearingfrom, bfrm

Bearing from photo to home in degrees

bearingto, brto

Bearing to photo from home in degrees

distance, dist

Distance from photo to home in user’s units

gpsdate, gdat

GPS date (UTC) as YYYY:MM:DD

gpsdatum, gdtm

GPS map datum

gpsdif, gdif

GPS differential correction applied (no or yes)

gpsdir, gdir

GPS image direction (0-359 degrees)

gpddirref, gdrf

GPS image direction reference (true or magnetic)

gpsdop, gdop

GPS degree of data precision

gpsmode, gmod

GPS dimension mode (2 or 3)

gpsstatus, gsta

GPS status (A=acquiring, V=valid)

gpstime, gtim

GPS time (UTC) as HH:MM:SS

gpsversion, gver

GPS version

latitude, glat

GPS latitude

longitude, glon

GPS longitude

satellites, gsat

GPS satellites

speed, gspd

GPS speed

track, gtrk

GPS track (0-359 degrees)

trackref, gtrfGPS track reference (true or magnetic)

User Variables

jobname, job

Current Job name

username, urna

User name

usercompany, urco

User Company/Name

useraddress, ura1

User Street Address

useraddress2, ura2

User Secondary Address

usercity, urcy

User City


User State

userzip, urzip

User zip Code

usercountry, urcn

User Country

userphone, urph

User Phone Number

usermobile, urmb

User Mobile Number

userweb, urwb

User Website URL

useremail, urem

User Email address

usercustom1, urc1

User Custom Field 1

usercustom2, urc2

User Custom Field 2

usercustom3, urc3

User Custom Field 3

Locations Taken

locationtaken, lctk

Sublocation taken

citytaken, cttk

City the image was taken in

statetaken, sttk

State the image was taken in

countrytaken, cntk

Country the image was taken in

countrycodetaken, cctk

Country Code taken in

worldregiontaken, wrtk

World region the image was taken in

Client Variables

clientname, clna

Client name

clientcompany, clco

Client Company/Name

clientaddress, cla1

Client Street Address

clientaddress2, cla2

Client Secondary Address

clientcity, clcy

Client City


Client State

clientzip, clzip

Client zip Code

clientcountry, uscn

Client Country

clientphone, clph

Client Phone Number

clientmobile, clmb

Client Mobile Number

clientweb, clwb

Clients Website URL

clientemail, clem

Client Email address

clientcustom1, clc1

Client Custom Field 1

clientcustom2, clc2

Client Custom Field 2

clientcustom3, clc3

Client Custom Field 3

Nikon Picture Control Settings Variables

pcnmPicture Control Name
pcadPicture Control Adjustment
pcqaPicture Control Quick Adjust
pcshPicture Control Sharpness
pccnPicture Control Contrast
pcbrPicture Control Brightness
pcsaPicture Control Saturation
pchuPicture Control Hue Adjustment
pcfePicture Control Filter Effect
pctePicture Control Toning Effect
pctsPicture Control Toning Saturation

Getty Variables

callforimage, gcfiGetty Call for image
composition, gcmpGetty Composition
exclusivecov, gexcGetty Exclusive Coverage
imagerank, grnkGetty Image Rank
personality, gprsGetty Personality
routingdest, grtdGetty Routing Destinations
routingexcl, gexlGetty Routing Exclusions

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